Did you know that learning English can start at home?
Yes, it’s possible even if your own English is not perfect—grammar will come in later, at school. The first and most important thing a parent can do is to expose your child to the language and make them feel enthusiastic about it.
These tips won’t make your child start speaking English immediately. Be patient and they will begin to speak the language in their own time.
3. Teach Grammar later
With younger children, there is no need to explicitly teach grammar rules. During your activities, your child will get used to hearing and using different grammatical structures in context. This will help your child use English naturally and correctly when they are older.
4. Use everyday situations
The best reason why you should teach English at home is that you can use everyday situations and real objects from around the house to practise the language naturally and in context. You can talk about clothes when your child is getting dressed, or when you are sorting laundry. (‘Let’s put on your blue socks’; ‘It’s Dad’s T-shirt’, etc.) You can also practise your child’s vocabulary for toys and furniture when you tidy their bedroom. (Let’s put your teddy bear on the bed!’; ‘Can you see your blue car?’) When you go to the supermarket, give your child a visual list of things to find.
As a parent, your role is to give your child lots of encouragement and praise. Don’t forget to make each and every session fun and exciting, as your child will pick up on your enthusiasm for the language.
Learn more on our English courses and camps for kids and teens