Learn English from our experienced, friendly and internationally-qualified teachers. We work together with our students to help them do their best and achieve their goals.


Our team of over 100 teachers and trainers in Singapore are trained to help students achieve their goals. We support students in their learning and motivate them to do their best.


All British Council teachers have native speaker proficiency. In addition to a first degree, they all hold professional teaching qualifications including CELTA, Delta, PGCE, MA TEFL, TYLEC. They have extensive experience teaching both adults and children.   


The British Council has been helping students around the world for 80 years and we have over 100 teachers working for us. Our teachers receive ongoing training throughout the year to keep them up-to-date with the latest teaching methodologies, techniques and technologies for teaching real life English.

Barkha Vahi

Senior Teacher, Young Learners, British Council in Singapore

Barkha has been teaching and/or managing since 2010. She initially taught English as a foreign language in India followed by Vietnam in 2019 and has been teaching in Singapore since 2023.

Specialist in:

  • young learners
  • integrating technology with language learning 
  • materials development 


  • Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (DELTA)
  • BA English Literature 
  • Certificate in Swedish Film and Television culture
LE Portrait of Farid Zaiter

Farid Zaiter

Senior Teacher, Young Learners, British Council in Singapore

Farid has been teaching, training, and managing since 2011. He joined the British Council in 2014 and worked in Algeria, Bahrain, and China before coming to Singapore.

Specialist in:

  • Young Learner education
  • brain-based learning 
  • academic management


  • Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (DELTA)
  • Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics 
  • Teaching Young Learner Extension Certificate (TYLEC) 

Rami Taha

Senior Teacher, Young Learners, British Council in Singapore

Rami has been working in the field of teaching English since 2006. He started working for the British Council in 2010, and has been teaching, training and managing academic programmes in places such as Egypt, Tunisia, Bangladesh and Singapore.

Specialist in:

  • secondary education
  • exam classes 
  • academic management


  • Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (DELTA)
  • Young Learner Extension to CELTA 
  • Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages  (CELTA)
LE Portrait of Mimi Berchie

Mimi Berchie

Senior Teacher, Private Courses, British Council in Singapore

Mimi has been an English language teacher and examiner since 2010, teaching adults and young learners in schools, universities and language centres in the UK, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Morocco, UAE, China and Singapore.

Specialist in:

  • academic writing
  • creative writing
  • examination prep skills


  • Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (DELTA)
  • Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA)
  • MA African Literature
  • BA English Literature
Portrait of Phil Bashford

Phil Bashford

Senior Teacher, Adults, British Council in Singapore

Phil is from the UK and has been teaching, training and managing since 1999. He began teaching English as a foreign language in the UK. He worked for the British Council in South Korea, Dubai, and Tunisia before moving to Singapore in 2021.

Specialist in:

  • adult writing skills development
  • pronunciation 
  • corporate skills training.


  • Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (DELTA)
  • Master’s Degree in Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL)

Our teachers deliver