Imaginarium: Over the Ocean, Under the Sea
Tan Zi Xi, An Effort Most Futile, 2008. Image courtesy of the artist. 

Singapore Art Museum
Imaginarium: Over the Ocean, Under the Sea
Creativity And Visual Literacy Workshop

In partnership with the British Council, the Creativity and Visual Literacy Workshop provides a comprehensive look at the role of Visual Literacy in the MOE English Language Curriculum with the use of selected artworks from Imaginarium: Over the Ocean, Under the Sea.

The 2 hours workshop supports the philosophy and pedagogy of teaching and learning of participants through Object and Image-based Inquiry. No prior background in Art is required.

Date Venue Ticket Price (S$) Duration
14 May - 28 Aug 2016 Workspace 1, SAM at 8Q S$50.00* (free seating) 2 hours

*Ticket pricing excludes booking fee of S$4.00


Delving into the deep, Imaginarium 2016 – the sixth edition of SAM’s children-focused annual exhibition – invites adventurers of all ages into the watery realms of our Earth as seen through the eyes of contemporary artists.

Over the Ocean, Under the Sea is a whimsical introduction to the many stories and ideas that surround seascapes, and presents tactile and interactive works that encourage discovery through exploration and play. At SAM at 8Q, young people are invited to comb the shores and navigate the deep where they make the acquaintance of mysterious denizens and underwater wonders.

We hope that, as protectors of the future, our young visitors will also think about the impact we have on the natural world, and of how, through inventive and wise ideas, we can save our earth and its awe-inspiring oceans.