STEP Mathematics

Key Dates for STEP 2025 Session

Date, Time* Event
March 2025, 15:00hrs (Spore time)

Registration opens on 1st March 2025
Download registration form, submit to for payment.
18 April 2025, 15:00hrs (Spore time) Last date to request modified question papers
2 May 2025, 15:00hrs (Spore time) Registration closes – Late entries will not be accepted.
Deadline to apply for Access Arrangements
11 June 2025, 15:00hrs  (Spore time) STEP paper 2 test date
16 June 2025, 15:00hrs  (Spore time) STEP paper 3 test date
14 August 2025, TBA by exam board STEP test results released
21 August 2025, TBA by exam Last date for results enquiries

*All times are in local timing


About the Sixth Term Examination Paper (STEP)

STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper) Mathematics is a well-established mathematics examination designed to test candidates on questions that are similar in style to undergraduate mathematics.

The STEP test dates are usually in June each year and are designed to fit in with the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) cycle for applications. 

STEP is used by the University of Cambridge, the University of Warwick and Imperial College London. Please check the details of your course(s) to confirm if you are required to take STEP as part of the application process. If you are in any doubt, please contact the university directly.

Other universities sometimes ask candidates to take STEP as part of their offer – in such cases, the university can advise on which papers to take.

There are also a number of candidates who sit STEP papers as a challenge.

From the June 2021 sitting onwards, STEP Mathematics 1 has no longer been offered.

Both STEP Mathematics 2 and STEP Mathematics 3 will continue to be offered.

The nature and style of both STEP Mathematics 2 and STEP Mathematics 3 remain unchanged for 2024. In 2023 two minor clarifications were added to the specification: these appear in Section B of Mathematics 1 on pages 17 and 19; they are underlined.

In addition, we no longer permit the use of bilingual dictionaries in STEP examinations. This is a change from previous years.

STEP Mathematics 2 is based on the STEP Mathematics 2 specification set out in this document. Candidates should be aware that the STEP Mathematics 2 specification assumes all the content of Mathematics 1 set out in this document.

STEP Mathematics 3 is based on the STEP Mathematics 3 specification set out in this document. Candidates should be aware that the STEP Mathematics 3 specification assumes all the content of both the Mathematics 1 and the STEP Mathematics 2 specifications set out in this document.

The specifications have been written to follow, in the ways set out below, the content of the Department for Education’s A Level Mathematics1 and the Pure content of AS and A Level Further Mathematics2 specifications. However, some topics have been removed and some additional topics have been included. In the cases of STEP Mathematics 2 and STEP Mathematics 3, additional sections have been included outlining which Probability, Statistics and Mechanics topics might be tested. Whilst most questions will be set on areas mentioned in the specification, questions may also be set on areas that are not explicitly mentioned; when this is the case, appropriate guidance will be given in the question. 

You may refer to the document "STEP Specification 2024" below for reference.

Format of the papers

Format of the papers STEP Mathematics 2 and STEP Mathematics 3 will each be a 3-hour paper divided into three sections.

Each paper will comprise 12 questions:

Section A (Pure Mathematics)

                   Eight questions

Section B (Mechanics)

                   Two questions

Section C (Probability/Statistics)

                   Two questions

Each question will have the same maximum mark of 20. In each paper, candidates will be assessed on the six questions best answered; no restriction will be placed on the number of questions that may be attempted from any section.

In some questions a method will be specified; otherwise, any correct and appropriately justified solution will receive full marks whatever the method used.

Candidates’ solutions must be clear, logical and legible and their working fully set out. Standard notational conventions should be followed, and final answers should be simplified. Marks may be lost if examiners are unable to follow a candidate’s working, even if a correct final answer appears.


These specifications are for the guidance of both examiners and candidates. The following points should be noted STEP Specification 2024 (

  1. Whilst most questions will be set on topics mentioned in the relevant specification, questions may also be set on areas that are not explicitly mentioned, or in ways that extend topics that are mentioned; when such questions are set, candidates will be given appropriate guidance in the question.
  2. Individual questions will often require knowledge of several different specification topics.
  3. Questions may test a candidate’s ability to apply mathematical knowledge from the specifications in unfamiliar ways.
  4. Questions may be set that require knowledge of topics from the higher tier GCSE Mathematics.
  5. Solutions will frequently require insight, ingenuity, persistence, and the ability to work through substantial sequences of algebraic manipulation.
  6. Examiners will aim to set questions on a wide range of topics, but it is not guaranteed that every topic will be examined every year.
  7. The Pure sections of each specification assume knowledge of the full Pure content of all preceding specifications.
  8. The Mechanics and Probability/Statistics sections of each specification assume knowledge of the appropriate Pure Mathematics for that specification, and of the full Pure content of all preceding specifications. In addition, each Mechanics section assumes knowledge of the Mechanics sections of preceding specifications, and similarly for Probability/Statistics sections.
  9. Bold italics are used to indicate additional topics that do not fall under the compulsory content set out in the relevant government document. For STEP Mathematics 2 and STEP Mathematics 3 this includes all additional topics in the Mechanics and Probability/Statistics sections.

Formulae booklets and calculators

Candidates will not be issued with a formulae book. Formulae that candidates are expected to know are listed in the appendix to this document. Other formulae will be given in individual questions, should they be required.

The required formulae for STEP extend beyond those required for the corresponding A levels.

Calculators are not permitted or required.

Bilingual dictionaries are NOT permitted - this is a change for 2023 onwards