We provide invigilation services for candidates who study overseas to sit for their examinations in Singapore.

We are a leading provider of examinations services to Transnational Education Institutions and have a long history of working with Universities in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. This examination hosting service can include registration, provision of invigilation services and delivering of results and certificates.

If you are looking to register for University of London (UOL) Exams Summer Session 2024, please click here.

How do you register?

Examination arrangements should be made with at least two weeks' notice. Please ensure you have contacted your institution and obtained approval from them to take an exam with British Council Singapore. It is the student's responsibility to complete any documentation and settle any payment the institution requires.

Submit an invigilation booking request at https://forms.office.com/e/NrCqfe0Xx3.

We will respond to the abovementioned enquiries within 3 working days during our operating hours of 10am – 5.30pm, Mondays to Fridays.

Invigilation days Sessions Start time
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays AM Session 09:00 (with effect from October 2024, weekdays AM Session will start at 08:00)
PM Session 13:30
EV Session 18:00
Saturdays AM Session 09:00
PM Session 13:30
Closed on Public Holidays - -

Alternatively, you may write to us at SGExamMaterials@britishcouncil.org for further enquiries.