Crafting Futures supports the future of craft around the globe. This British Council programme strengthens economic, social and cultural development through learning and access. Crafting Futures’ projects support practices and people, through research, collaboration and education.
Through international collaboration, Crafting Futures creates new networks and opportunities for shared learning between the UK and other countries around the globe. The programme supports research and education in craft, ensuring our projects are relevant and the quality of creative practice is preserved and continues to develop. Crafting Futures offers designers and artisans access to knowledge and expertise, new markets and new audiences, ensuring the value of craft is appreciated more broadly and knowledge can continue to be shared within the sector.
In Southeast Asia, Crafting Futures aims to foster economic empowerment through the development of creative social enterprise and design-led skills for female artisans and designers, with a specific focus on promoting social innovation, fair and ethical collaborations, and an appreciation of cultural heritage.
We are supported by a Regional Advisory Group of local craft, design, technology and social enterprise experts.
Globally the programme is also active in South Asia and Latin America.
Find at more on the British Council’s Architecture, Design and Fashion website.
Past programmes
Craft and Design Challenge 2017 (Vietnam)
New for Old
On the Line exhibition (UK)
PHIÊU exhibition (Vietnam)
Craft Reveals Conference (Thailand)
Scottish-Thai Crafts Exhibition at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh (Scotland)
New for Old at the Clerkenwell Design Week
Scottish-Thai crafts collaboration in Phrae, Thailand
Crafts and Social Enterprise (Thailand)
Craft and Design Innovation (Thailand)
Handmade Chiang Mai (Thailand)
From Craft to Art (Burma)
Craft Forward Conference (Burma)
New for Old in Indonesia – Kotagede silversmiths