
British Council

SEAD is a programme co-created by Mekong Cultural Hub and the British Council which creates space for cultural practitioners to reflect on how their work in arts and culture can contribute to sustainable development within South East Asia through their individual and collective leadership. 

Each year we will select ten fellows from ten countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. 

The programme has four main gatherings spread over a one-year period where Fellows get together. Each gathering takes place in a different country and has a unique purpose:  exchange, create, share then reflect. 

SEAD (pronounced "seed") is supported by our implementing partner Helvetas.   

What does SEAD mean? 

SEAD is a programme for creative practitioners working on how arts and culture contribute to sustainable development in Southeast Asia. But what does SEAD (pronounced 'seed') mean? 

  1. It's an acronym - an abbreviation for Society, Education/Environment, Arts and Development. These are the main themes of the Fellowship programme. 
  2. It's made from the acronym SEA (Southeast Asia), and the Greek letter Δ “delta” (equivalent to 'D'), which is used in mathematics to indicate difference or change. 
  3.  "Sea change" means a profound or notable transformation - for example "recent years have witnessed a sea change in the ability of creative practitioners to make a difference in Southeast Asia’s development"  

Applications for YEAR 3 (2020-2021) of SEAD are open until 15 July 2020

All applications will be through the SEA Programme page of the Mekong Cultural Hub website. 

External links