Ann is British Council’s global lead for English Medium Education and Multilingual Education (EME and MLE). British Council’s work in this area supports governments to address some of the challenges faced in providing quality education in bi/multilingual education systems where English is an additional language and is the language of learning and teaching for all or part of the education system.  Ann leads on the development and implementation of British Council’s global strategy and programme for ‘English in a multilingual world’, advising on British Council’s EME and MLE projects across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. Her work over the past year has primarily focussed on EME in Higher Education - bringing together stakeholders to share insights, commissioning and supporting research and defining British Council’s position on EME in Higher Education. Ann is a co-author of British Council’s ‘English in Higher Education – English Medium, Part 1, Literature Review’ and author of ‘English in Higher Education – English Medium, Part 2, A British Council Perspective’. Based in Scotland, Ann has worked in English language teaching, teacher training and English project management for over twenty years in various countries including Poland, Egypt, Qatar, Tanzania and the UAE. She has a MA in Professional Development of Language Educators, is a Cambridge Teaching Qualifications CELTA and DELTA tutor and holds an Association of Project Management qualification in Project Management.